Editor's letter

This season is all about changes,  A new season! a new proposition! a new song! a new future! even tho people doesn't always like changes u have to get use to them... well.. cuz is good for you, is good not to give anything for granted. I've been in Colombia for a week, due to Colombia Moda, the Fashion Week of this beautiful country, and this made me realize.. -and i say this with heart, that i just took that plane  with my chest fullfiled of proud and cockyness about what we've achieve and showed at last Lima Fashion's Week-, but the only thing i got is hit my head on the concrete. I didn't mind to be negative but as a conclusion i just found out this straight: WE ARE NOT THERE YET. Of course! we can be such a great and successful country due to the latest things we've acomplished. Yes! we're a blast! don't get me wrong but we cannot sit and wait for things to happen.. so it is time to pull things together and push the bar and little higher! In terms of design, in terms of culture &  industry to the most matter, we need to have really a truthful perspective  about where we are, and where we want to be.
 We need to delevop politics about what we should be aving for, set goals, make plans and structure the future, otherwise! we are gonna end up just sitting on a bench going nowhere. But, -and yes, there's always a but- t is not everything in the wrong track! There is a long way we've came, but yet still there is a lot we can learn, change and achieve, but this is not the only-one-man's work. This is a dutty that belongs to each and everyone of us that is required to be involved in.. the fashion industry. About this i'm not even talking just for you all Peruvians, that of course you all need to be envolved.. -in every aspect- but for everybody who really knows how much work it takes to push this huge ship that is industry, mostly in Latinoamerica. In the other hand, -happier things-, in terms of trends this season is all about the love and play,  this season we get playful & funny, we laugh it up a little! relax things in order to have a little more fun. I can tell one thing: as harder as time gets as sweeter fashion goes.. and i can't help but have the feeling that this might be the rule not only for clothing but for living, so this is it! Ladies&Gentlemen, the key this season is DRESS POSITIVE! A little bit more fun couldn't hurt..a little bit more love! a little bit more passion! a little bit more hope.. To close this idea, i can't help but ask you all and say: GET INVOLVED! This is the time we need to grow things up and recall sucess in order to put ourselves together, we need to get to this place. A place where  the rest of the world can see us, and yes! not only for Perú -i'm speaking- but LatinoAmérica as a worldwide known fashion spot.  This is our time!                                                                      
                                                                                                                         Joaquin H. Palacin

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